Hello dear friends!
As you may have noticed, my website has long been neglected. This has not been intentional (as a matter of fact, I’ve tried many times to get to it!), but there are several reasons for it. One, I’ve been so busy shooting, editing, being a wife, stay at home mom, taxi driver, friend, and an overall very busy crazy person trying to retain an ounce or two of sanity. I do keep my Facebook page updated, (you can see it HERE), so be sure to like and follow that page. Reason number two is this adorable, sassy girl:
She recently turned 2, and is as sweet as a fresh piece of warm apple pie! We ADORE her. She also owns the phrase “the terrible two’s” and can be quite the little bossy pants. She is very busy, and requires constant attention as most two year olds do. 🙂
My business has continued to thrive and grow! It’s been a WONDERFUL six years so far. 2017 was fantastic, as I brought on my beautiful friend, assistant, photo stylist, and partner in crime, Sarah. Many of you have met her and know why I love her so much! She comes on almost every shoot with me these days. At some point in the not too distant future, I’ll be adding more info about her here on my website, so you can get to know her better. She’s fantastic in every sense of the word! (Sarah does hair and make up too, so if you’d like to utilize her before a session, let me know!)
Business continues to be busy. I am continually humbled and blessed to see the dear faces of repeat clients year after year, along with many wonderful new faces as well! The Fall of 2017 was so busy, in fact, that I was booking, shooting, and editing all the way through Christmas!! Fantastic! Thank you all so much.
Last but not least, I must mention that I am raising my prices this year. I really (really) dislike talking about money and pricing. If you know me, you know I’d much rather offer all of my sessions for free, to snap photos simply for the fun and enjoyment of it, chasing the light whilst capturing the joy on your beautiful faces!! However, with my family and young kiddos, time is precious. It’s precious for all of us though, isn’t it?! We want to give our all, our best and then some, in every aspect our of lives, but in the end there is only so much of us to give. We have to choose wisely where our time and energy is spent. As my main “job” in this stage of my life is raising my kids as a stay at home mama and wife to my wonderful, amazing, supportive husband, I am finding that time to spend shooting and editing at my computer is less frequent than it has been in the past. I have waited as long as humanly possible to do raise my prices. For me it’s not simply all about the money. It’s being able to capture your joy and love, to be able to SEE and FEEL the warmth of your personality in an image. To tell a story. To chase and find that perfect light and position you right in the middle of it’s beautiful glow. However, if I operate my business on too little, I won’t ever be able to see and spend time with my sweet family. Beyond this, I must be able to cover the general overhead of the business and the upkeep of equipment, my wonderful assistant Sarah, as well as my time and editing. Even as I raise my prices, I am charging as little as I can manage. You can see the new prices posted on my investment page, HERE. (****Sessions already booked will retain the beforehand agreed upon price****.) I do want to offer a 10% discount for returning clients purchasing full sessions during this year of 2018, as I love and appreciate you all so much.
I truly hope you stick with me on your journey through life as we capture those special moments together! THANK YOU for supporting me and my work, for choosing me to do your photography. I never cease to be humbled and thankful for each and every session. Thank you, all of you! I love you all and I cannot wait to see you this year!