It has been awhile since my 5 year old and I have had a photo adventure. We often drive around, scouting new photo spots, hiking, and taking photos along the way. This time we only had an hour or so before sunset, so we started out, inspired and in good spirits. Just one hour later, after multiple ugly crying melt downs, thorn removal surgeries, bleeding hang nails, a lost lens cap, and other ridiculousness, we managed to snap a few photos. Sometimes things just don’t go as planned but what can we do but roll with it?! Such is life, that’s what I say! Real life is not always sunshine and rainbows, but there are always good things to be thankful for, praise God for that. My sweet girl is such a good sport, humoring her snap-happy mama (aka, I am always taking pictures)! We usually have a lot of fun on our adventures, so they are not always filled with melt downs and nursing boo-boos. Although, the poor thing is awfully accident prone (and not just because she’s a kid and learning how to be coordinated).. I’m fairly sure she gets that from me. Sigh. So here are a few shots from our (almost failed) little excursion, which I hope to continue tomorrow night. Who knows what fun we will have! :p